Friday, September 21, 2012

Twitter, who are YOU following?

Twitter, who are YOU following?

I absolutely love “rag mags”- However, I do not want my life to be overwhelmed with the constant gossip, drama and overall stupidity that is manifested within the “celebrity sphere”.  I absolutely do not support the Kardashian being famous. As a political science major I find it absurd- with the current un-employment percentage % (not to mention our nations overall debt) it is actually unnerving to think about the figures $$$ they make for doing… Not only that, but the Kardashian “empire” came to be on behalf of a sex tape…
            That being said, with encouragement from Professor White I thought it would be an interesting idea to begin following celebrities on my new public twitter account. It may even be an interesting idea to follow the Kardashian specifically and blog about it (an idea in progress….) maybe I am completely wrong about the whole clan, who knows? I guess I will find out.
            On another note, I already do follow celebrities, celebrities that have more or less been created…. by this I mean parody accounts I have absolutely fallen head over heels in love with Alan from the hangover. His twitter is constantly cracking me up; it’s amazing with the current day technology that characters from the big screen can essentially come to life.
            Outside of my daily need of comic relief and the obvious of seeing what my friends and family are up to, I find twitter can also be a great way to get a sense of what is going on with the world. Literally the world- foreign affairs to my local town, its all NEWS and its important! It’s amazing to be able to literally scroll through and be able to quickly get a sense of what is going on in New Canaan to Libyan to the moon, etc.! It’s an easy way to keep up on important events and is something my generation especially counts on. I think it is absolutely amazing (if not imperative) to our nations community that twitter and other social media forms can provide news (regardless of its bias and propaganda) -its at least still providing some information that a majority of my peers would otherwise not know. The reality is if it were not for social media exposing a number of events, news, etc. many of my peers would not seek out a way to become knowledgeable. They would just remain uneducated and unaware. 
 As previously mentioned, I am a political science major so unlike a majority of my peers, I know what is going on…unfortunately, (for a lack of better word) my generation is.  We are however, deeply immersed in social media wave. I actually believe we will be able to look back and say we were the social media wave, just as we look back and label the roaring 20’s, the golden years and the great depression. We are an era of technology, communication and it is all manifested in the various social media outlets that are now available. In retrospect this has made us selfish. We are constantly concerned with how our own Facebook looks, is this profile picture better then this one? is this funny? Should I tweet it? …We are enthralled with how we are presenting ourselves on social media, constantly in a sub conscious competition with our peers to out-do each other via followers, likes, etc. that we often times forget that we are one person in a society of many. Additionally, I believe we have also become selfish due to social media because many of us have lost our “filters”. I feel as though many people feel a sense of entitlement to express how they feel regardless of the audience. I believe it is important to remember that what you say can really affect another person. It is important to acknowledge who is following you- for instance, my private twitter (as for-mentioned) is one I only allow personal friends to follow because some of my tweets may be inappropriate for my 12 year old brother…. he doesn’t need to know details about Le-Laf just yet! (Lol)
Readers digest version:
  • I am going to begin my journey into the celebrity life
  • I believe it is important to follow news (BBC, CNN, etc.!!!)
  • I believe twitter users in general should become more aware of what they are tweeting and who their audience is
  • I did not mention this in my large post but…. I love following horoscopes! I follow one account that actually tweets about them all, I follow my friends and family’s horoscopes in addition to my own! I have always thought you could tell a lot about a person from their horoscope. 


  1. OK. Are you following some Lehigh accounts?

  2. Oh, Absolutely! I mentioned that in my Facebook and twitter post so I thought it was already known that I do! I also stated in my post: "Outside of my daily need of comic relief and the obvious of seeing what my friends and family are up to..." A lot of my lehigh friends have twitter accounts that I follow!

  3. Looking forward to reading the post due last week. Hope you are OK.
